Right to Information Act was introduced in the state in the year 2005. In the same year our institution formed one committee for better implementation of Right to Information Act. Since its inception our institution has been providing information to the applicants successfully. The structure of RTI Cell of Mathakaragola College is as follows.

Public Information Officer (PIO) Mr. Surendra Kumar Singh
RTI appellate Authority : Mr. Chittaranjan Dash
Name of the Institution : Mathakaragola College At/Po. Mathakaragola PS. Kamakhyanagar Dist. Dhenkanal PIN. 759024 State: Odisha Phone No. 06769-276418
RTI Officer Name & Address : Mr. Surendra Kumar Singh, Lecturer in Philosophy Mathakaragola College Mathakaragola, Dhenkanal At./ Po. Andapur, Dist. Keonjhar PIN. 758021 (ODISHA) Mob. No. 8658178909
RTI Authorities : Mr. Chittaranjan Dash, Principal Mathakaragola College Mathakaragola, Dhenkanal Mob. No. 9438108899


One Anti Ragging cell has been formed in the year 2014. Different motivational campaigns are being organized for bringing brotherhood among the students under those activities. Welcome ceremony for new comers & farewell ceremony for the outgoing students are being organized every year. Besides this Anti Ragging Cell has been functioning effectively with its members as follows.

Mathakaragola College, Mathakaragola, Dhenkanal
Name Designation Mobile No
Mr. Dambarudhara Mahanta Lect. in Commerce 9937 823 085
Mr. Anil Kumar Jena Lect. in History 9438 772 865
Mrs. Amitanjali Mishra Lect. in Odia 9438 310 175
Mrs. Bidyabati Rajindra Lect. in Zoology 9438 126 943
Mr. Prabir Kumar Biswal Lect. in Political Science 9777 083 095
Mr. Surendra Kumar Singh Lect. in Philosophy 8658 178 909

The Anti Ragging Toll Free : 1800-180-5522 / 155522

E mail : helpline@antiragging.net